The relationship between penis size and ejaculation

The relationship between penis size and ejaculation
Big Mr. P is more durable in bed? The answer is not necessarily. In a new couple, if the husband feels too fast to release fluid that is suspected to be sperm, it is not necessarily said to be premature ejaculation. The question of penis size and ejaculation is one of the most frequently asked questions by readers.

One of them was posted by Kafsya, a 28-year-old man. Doc, why is my sperm coming out so fast? Sometimes even just with affection like kisses and so on, I'm out. What happened to me Doc? What is the cure? I feel inferior even though my size is quite large.

dr Andri Wanananda, MS, caregiver for Sexology Consultation, explained that the problem of sperm discharge too quickly often leads to the assumption of 'premature ejaculation. However, premature ejaculation can not be convicted too soon because the ideal sex requires a period of orientation. True husband and wife will be proficient if they go through the learning process until the ideal intimate relationship is achieved.

According to Dr. Andri, the fluid that comes out of the penis could be a fluid that comes from the reproductive glands (including the seminal vesicles). The condition of the penis that feels wet during foreplay or a situation where the fluid has mixed with spermatozoa (male cells), cannot be considered ejaculation. Because ejaculation is marked by a sense of orgasm, which is the peak of sexual pleasure," said Dr. Andri who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Tarumanegara University.

Penis size depends on genetic factors, race, and ethnicity. The average relative size is 10-15 cm when erect. However, the length is not the main thing.

"The size of the penis is not important. The 'mighty' penis is the one that can be tense and hard during an erection, even though it is small in size. The performance of the penis is determined when an erection is capable of satisfying sexual intercourse (each having an orgasm)," said Dr. Andri who is also a member of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Indonesian Sexology Association (ASI).

Maintaining physical fitness such as exercising and supporting balanced nutritional consumption such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals can help Mr. P's strength.
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