Lazy to make love after years of marriage

Lazy to make love after years of marriage

While still newlyweds, making love activities can always be eagerly awaited by married couples. But after years of marriage, the desire for sex is no longer passionate. Often husbands or wives are lazy to make love. What is the cause?

The topic of lazy sex is a problem that readers often ask about in the section on Sexology Consultation. As experienced by Nelly, married women aged 33 years. Doc, I am a housewife who has been married for 10 years and has 2 children. I want to ask why I no longer have the desire to have a husband and wife relationship because every time I have sex I never feel anything and I always feel a lot of pain. Is that a sign I'm frigid and don't love my husband anymore?

dr Andri Wanananda MS explained that the decreased libido and desire for sexual intercourse is understandable. Because marriages that have existed for 10 years often cause a sense of saturation to have sex. However, the loss of desire to make love should also be watched out for as a sign of chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels that can cause neuropathy, up to the sensitivity of the nerves of the genital organs to be disturbed. This is the initial cause of the body's innervation to become hypersensitive.

"You and your husband need to work together to overcome the saturation factor by trying various variations of making love and doing a stimulus to the body's most sensitive erotic zone to trigger arousal which can be done during foreplay until the vaginal lubrication reaches optimal. When that happens, the vaginal cavity will be splitting and penetration of the penis can be done which will evoke a sense of 'awesome' pleasure and women will not feel pain during sex," suggested Dr. Andri, who is a member of the Indonesian Doctors Association and member of the Indonesian Sexology Association (ASI).

Women who have had surgery to remove the uterus (hysterectomy) often complain of a loss of desire for sex. Because the action seems to have an indirect effect on women's sensuality. This can be caused by an imbalance in hormone levels (estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin). The function of these hormones decreases to the erotic zones that make women sensitive in the process towards the peak of pleasure (orgasm).

"Pay attention to women's physical fitness so that they are always primed employing regular physical exercise accompanied by a diet with balanced nutritional levels. Especially for women who have had hysterectomy surgery, do not deny that stress will befall them. So as a male partner is required to give caresses of affection so does not cause psychological trauma to women," suggested Dr. Andri who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Tarumanegara University.
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