Recipe For Spring Rolls

spring rolls, recipe for spring rolls, spring rolls in vietnamese
Recipe for spring rolls, which is very easy for you. And of course the ingredients are very easy to get. By: @deviirwantari 

10 sheets of spring roll skin ready to use enough cooking oil for frying. 

Spring Roll Contents: 
  • 250 gr bamboo shoots, wash clean, cut into matchsticks. 
  • 250 g chicken, chopped. 
  • 100 g prawns, chopped.
  • 1 spring onion, chopped. 
  • 50-100 ml of water. 
  • 1 tsp fish sauce. 
  • 1 tsp soy sauce. 
  • 1 tbs oyster sauce. 
  • and 2 tbs sweet soy sauce. & Salt and sugar to taste. 
  • Egg white for spring roll skin adhesive.
  • The oil for frying. 
Ground spices: 
  • 9 onions 
  • 5 garlic 
  • 1 tsp pepper 
  • 1/4 tsp coriander 
How to make: 
  1. Boiled bamboo shoots until cooked, don't let them get mushy so that the texture is still fresh. Discard the water. Rinse again, drain. 
  2. Filling ingredients: stir-fry ground spices until fragrant, add chicken, and shrimp, mix well, water, add bamboo shoots, fish sauce, English soy sauce, sweet soy sauce, salt, and sugar, and cook until the water has reduced the taste, add chopped spring onions, stir briefly - set aside let it cool.
  3. Prepare the spring roll skin. Give the filling then fold the side, roll it, and give the adhesive (do it until it runs out). 
  4. Fry until brown. Serve with chili sauce and chili sauce.
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